Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Cup Overflows ....

Today I truly feel as those I am blessed beyond measure. The reality is I'm blessed that way everyday if I would only choose to recognize it. God is Good!

Yesterday, as I drove into the parking lot at work I came to the realization that the two internal jobs I had posted for were probably not going to work out. It had been at least two weeks for the most recent of the two and probably a week or so back for the first one. I figured if I had not heard by now then they probably were considering other candidates and I would get the 'thanks but no thanks' email very soon. I was OK with that. My prayer is that I end up where God wants me and if this was the case then that was His will and I really had a peace about it instead of the normal twinge of sadness. Then, yesterday afternoon I got a call on my cell phone from the hiring manager of one of the positions. She is setting up times for next week to meet and talk to those being considered and she's like to meet with me. Wow! A total 'He Speaks to Me moment'. Just when I had given up, God said not so fast. Now, I might not get the spot but I have an interview! Again, I want to be where he places me so I am praying that His will will be done here. I'm excited.

Also, yesterday, I spoke with a friend of mine who had reached out to me about a spot she had opened at her company for a contractor. She was looking for someone now and wanted to know if I knew of anyone. During our conversation I mentioned my date would be 12/31 and I asked if she could keep me in mind for anything that might be coming up. She sounded excited and positive about possible work and encouraged me to get her my resume so she could put me in front of people that she knew.

So, the bottom line here is that God will provide. He does all the time. I'm thankful for this time in the wilderness that He has drawn me close. I really would like to get the lesson right this time that I do not need to control my life because He has it all under control. I simply need to trust and follow Him. My cup overflows ....

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Friday Night and Sabrina's Surpise Socks

Last night was a blessing and a quiet evening with ladies I don't see very often.

Emma had a sleep-over/birthday party with a new friend she made at school. Ellie had her normal Friday night gymnastics and I went to Knitwitz where I had not been in such a long time. What an enjoyable evening.

It was so nice spending three hours just knitting, chatting and listening to friends.

Worked on Sabrina's socks for Christmas. I sure hope she likes them. I'm using the 56stitch/56 row pattern. It's a basic sock pattern - cast on 56 stitches, 16 rows of K2P2 ribbing, knit 56 rows, start the heel, after the heel it's 56 rows for the foot. Now, for Sabrina's pair, I dropped the needle size down to a 2.5mm trying to make the patter smaller. I did the 16 rows of ribbing followed by 4 inches of straight knit for the leg. Now, I'm on the heel. I'm really stretching to get these done this week-end to get back on track with my Christmas knitting.

Here's a picture of the yarn. I love it --- from Pagewood Farms ( It's their Yukon sock yarn (wool/nylon/bamboo) in the Cotton Candy colorway. Perfect for the girl who wanted pink. Hopefully I'll have a picture of the actual sock for you soon.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ten Years and Counting

It is hard to believe that 10 years ago this month, four families travelled together to China to meet our daughters. For one family, the McNabbs, it was their second trip but for the other three it was our first time. Little did we know that day in Nanning, where it seemed like forever before we were able to meet our daughters, what the future would hold. We were given screaming, crying babies with no diapers, from sweet nannies who had loved and cared for them. Our beginning.

Fast forward, 10 years to Kirksville on September 17th when we began our celebration. Three of the families met together for pizza, football, Chinese Food, and just good ol' catching up.

We've been home a week are are really missing our friends. Let's hope it's not another 4 years before we get together again.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

They Went, They Cheered, They Won

Saturday morning, M, J and I left for Orlando ... OK, we were about 2 hours late leaving thanks to me oversleeping but all was well. We made it down to the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in just about 2 hours. Plenty of time since the girls weren't due to perform until 12:55.

Traffic was pretty steady and boy, were the troopers out with their radar guns. All was lost on Emma as you see ..... she was ready to continue her ZZzzzzz's on the way down.

Once we got there I was able to call Ms. K who had graciously watched L overnight. It turns out the girls had to be downstairs and ready to go by 11:10 .... a little earlier than I had thought. Perfect timing, though, because we got there just as the group was heading outside to get their stars on.

I was very impressed because the stars looked a lot better than I thought. This has to be the poor man's way to do this but very effective. Glitter, Glue, and Stencils were all we needed to apply Shining Stars to each of the girls faces.

Thanks Moms, Brittany, and Kalyn who all did the work. It was the finishing touch ... oh, one more, glitter spray courtesy of Ms. Melissa.

Both squads did GREAT jobs on stage .... The competition was held in a large conference hall, I cannot even imagine how many seats were there. Suffice it to say it was big enough to include a Hummer in back of the room. The Lil Starz did Great! Just one bobble but they recovered and finished. The Starz did awesome and were definitely in command of their performance. I was amazed at how many groups were there and some churchs had multiple age groups. I think they said 27 groups performed from Kindergarten to 10th grade. That was just the impact groups. Then in addition, they also had the Christian schools compete afterwards. I think the Christian schools also had competed Friday so the groups that performed on Saturday could have just been the finalists, I'm not really sure. Our whole group is below:

Lil Starz won 4th place in the 4th grade and under category. The Starz came home National Champs in the 8th grade and under category plus GRAND CHAMPIONS from the whole event! Wow! This was everybody's first year! How proud we are of ALL the girls, coaches and Ms. Melissa our sponsor.
Our final stop was Macaroni Grill to complete our trip ... then we headed home. Ellie was out before we even made it out of Orlando. It was a great day and it was nice to have all three us back under our roof last night as we slept. Thank you God for a wonderful day!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Nationals - here she comes

There she is ... little Miss L about to leave for Impact Nationals with the rest of the Starz and Lil' Starz. Wow! I miss her already. I barely made it out of the parking lot before I started to cry ... just a little ... it's hard to let them grow up sometimes ....

They were all so excited to be leaving and I'm thankful she was able to ride down with another mom. I'm going down tomorrow morning with M and my sister J. After the competition we'll eat at our favorite place ... Macaroni Grill .... Here's hoping for a great competition! Go Starz ! ! ! !

With L off on her adventure, M and I are left with a Mom and Me day ....

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome to 2009

Wow! Two wonderful days and we were fortunate to spend the last day of 2008 and the first day of 2009 with our favorite friends.

Yesterday was the perfect day! I mean perfect for December in Florida. Sunny, bright, clearest, bluest sky! The girls and I picked up their best buds K&C and off to play tennis we went. This was going to be interesting because K&C know how to play but L&M have only logged about 3 hours with the new rackets they got for Christmas. No problem, K&C were great teachers and by the end of the day they played a pretty good match.

In addition to tennis, we all had lunch at the Loop, looked for the missing snapping turtle in the creek and played at the park. A very good day! Everyone in the van was saying the same thing on the way home, "It's been a great day!"

Last night, we celebrated with a quiet night. We were going to the pier for fireworks but I didn't really want to drive back ... there is just something about being on the road on New Year's Eve that I don't like so instead .... I read, something I'm planning to do more of in 2009, M watched her favorite TV shows and L spent the night watching the new year ring in. By 10 I was probably asleep but L made sure to wake me up with her excited voice calling to me at midnight "It's 2009 Mommy, it's 2009!" Oh, the excitement. She is truly the light of my world.

We welcomed 2009 by cleaning the house ... my room looks so nice today .... but the living room and kitchen still need some work. See, we took a break to go bowling with the whole G family and J. After a great afternoon with we made it home in time for dinner .... and ice cream.

Quite a nice way to end the day ... Hello, 2009! What goodies will you bring?

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dreaming of Dublin

Well, I can't go to Dublin right now so I'm making the socks. I absolutely love this pattern and while my J Knits was originally purchased for Monkey socks, I'm loving the way these are coming along, proof it was the perfect combination! Don't you love the colorway? It's Connecticut and the bright blue and brown mix is delicious. It reminds me of a bright blue sky and chocolate ...
Looking ahead to 2009 .... The word is Discipline .... not in a bad way, but rather, in the way I need to be more disciplined in my approach to life .... you know, the treadmill that we all seem to get on and move day to day? Before we know it, a week has gone by, or a month, or even a year and we haven't gotten to the things that pop into our head, contacted the people we need to stay in touch with or taken care of ourselves they way we should. Sometimes I wonder if all the technology is such a good thing? It sure makes it easier to stay in our own world and not venture out like the generations before us. My goal is to do better, knowing I may not get there all the way but do better.
Perhaps, that's how I got on this topic from the socks. My relatives are Irish and I come from a big family and well, just because I live in the present and like everyone else have technology all around me, my goal for 2009 is to step back, simplify and focus on what's important, family ... people ... relationships ... the things that matter
Steps to get there:
1. Call friends regularly
2. Send cards or calls when someone comes to mind, right then, do not procrastinate
3. Get out and knit - not just knit at the house
4. Make a goals list for projects at the house
5. Family nights with the girls
6. Read every day
7. Manage finances better
8. Exercise everyday
9. Rebuild my MK Business
10. Have fun and look for blessings everyday, be thankful
It's been a great 2008 ... ending on a very thankful note so here's to a wonderful knitterly start to 2009 ....
So, here's to my O'Dublin socks - yarn from my favorite LYS and the pattern from a friend who makes me laugh. A perfect combination. What more could I ask.